Monday, April 14, 2008


One of my major battles is overcoming my negativity. It's been such a habit and a home (prison more like), that escape seemed a dream and failure a guaranteed outcome. Sometimes I forget to allow that progress is being made! It's easy to complain about other people not seeing who I am today versus who they knew in the past... Often I need to include myself in that group.

Today during my morning meditation, I realized I was actually struggling toward negativity, thinking 'victim', feeling powerless and defeated, like nothing would ever change. This old, worn-out trick was exposed in the light of the sun rising in my heart and could not be taken seriously anymore. It's over. That darkness is gone unless I pursue it with all my strength and who would be fool enough to keep choosing that? Not me.

This is not a forced victory gained by angrily defeating an enemy. More a dawning of gentle acceptance and knowing there are choices to be made; with no guaranteed outcome! To live in that uncertainty is to be truly alive. I'm willing to be wrong and accept the inevitable humbling that comes with it in order to shed another layer of that old, dead skin and live the truth within.


romulusv said...

I know this struggle

romulusv said...

This painting makes me the most happy. Even more than eating flapjacks and watching "inspector gadget" before going to grade school. Remember when I spilt the syrup on the rug and dad got upset mom? Well f@#$ him and get me more syrup, and make sure it is heated! Ahhh to be the "golden boy", deal with it Mike!