Monday, April 7, 2008

The Unseen

What little joy I see in myself

or all that surrounds me

Only smooth, round stones

laid across the desert

interesting, passionless, dry and intelligent

kingdoms quiver in the air, like heat

to be plucked by the choosers hand, and now I do not

hesitate, but walk down this lane and that,

plucking as though master of this orchard

testing the fruit of many trees

and master I am - yet where is joy?

Perhaps joy has many faces

and this is a time of sure

movement and weighted delivery

perhaps joy is grave today

a companion in armor who guards the path

that I may look in

one direction


1 comment:

romulusv said...

I Love this poem! The picture is very powerful as well. "Twenty-two dwarves took turns doing one-hand handstands on a rug."