Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Cocoon is Breaking

I don't know what this means. I've surrendered to a force beyond my range of vision. It whispers, "keep reaching...keep reaching..." in a voice I can only feel, not hear. With no promise that motivation, inspiration, vision, dreams or clarity will ever return - ever... I keep reaching. The voice is all I'm interested in now. No willful ripping or trying will show me the way - no determination of mind, no polished skill or feather of cobalt will blaze a path. Just vibration that hints the direction of my hand. My hand outstretched in a posture both giving and receiving somehow.

I stand and listen and reach.


romulusv said...

I remember eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I was little. I thought about how the wich on the end of that ward could mean a "witch". Also, did this witch live in the sand? Thus, the "sand-witch". Could this witch be a male? No! Then it would be a "sand-warlock". That wouldn't make sense. I had to find the origin of this word. I HAVE to figure out what it all means!!!! Maybe the roots of this word,phrase lies in the middle-east,there is a lot of sand there.
Anyway, no more peanut-butter and jelly sandwitches for me. Its too mentally stressfull. I will just consume a chocolate ice-cream-cone-with-a-chocolate-dipped-waffle-cone please. Farewell.

romulusv said...

I meant word not ward by the way.