Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No Bed Of Roses

In the style of Gustav Klimt
painted 10/07

Let the art speak.


Cyndi said...

Thank you Molly. For me this is one of your most powerful healing pieces. I literally felt the energy through the connection of vision as I considered the piece. It was very timely for me as I did some deep inner child work yesterday for me. I am grateful you are in my life. cjc

Molly said...

Cyndi, your sharing and comments touch and encourage my heart - thank you so much!

romulusv said...

Very powerful painting. Reminds me of myself when I was but a struggling sapling. Now I am a thick oak tree that may or may not fall on your house and crush it! Pray that you are always in my favor, that I don't crush you with my tree-trunk arms, apple-sized head and chick-pea size brain.
I do love this picture though, in all seriousnessness.