Friday, April 11, 2008

Being Patient

Just a suggestion... NEVER pray to be patient. I don't know if anyone else has had this wonderful experience of praying for something then getting opportunity after opportunity to practice it. Yeah - it seems like a good idea at the time (what with patience being such a virtue and all), but let me tell you - the universe operates by some pretty specific laws and those cliches (for example, 'be careful what you wish for'....) are cliches for a reason. I figure I'm a lot safer to pray for wisdom to deal with all that wonderful money that's mysteriously headed my way in the future! hee hee...

We're headed for the end of spring-break over here, and eeking out as much laughter and sleeping-in as possible before we begin that last long-haul till the end of the school year. The weather is perfect, the baby birds are chirruping away in their nest under the eaves, the squirrels are actually barking in the trees while they whip their tails around to attract other squirrels... they also dig in my plants and I have to restrain myself from sicking the cats on them when they come sneaking up to my patio. They are so bold! It's been a great week.

On the other hand, I have nothing but sympathy for the rest of my family, suffering in the APRIL SNOWFALL as winter hangs on for yet another day? week? month? Surely not. I wish I could get them out here to visit me. Sometimes you just need a hug from your mom - or maybe she needs one from you. In any case, midwesterners, be patient! Spring is coming and will be all the sweeter for the slow death of that wicked, winter witch. Sending sunshine and gentle wind your way!

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

Yes sister I hear you about the patience. When I was younger I prayed that prayer and got a stepson who taught me many things... among those the consideration of what to pray for and also to add with grace and ease to most of my prayers. Now the consideration to ask for "to complete this as quickly as possible if there are struggles involved for me or others" always for the highest good of myself and others. WOW!!! If someone shared this with me when I was younger it is obvious that I was not listening. Much love and many blessings and thanks for sharing.... keep it coming. cjc