Friday, April 4, 2008

Ready For Spring Break

Just as my son was about to go to bed last night we 'discovered' a math project that was due today, of course, and no evidence of it in sight. He was up till 10:30 p.m. working on it. And again this morning... Up at 5:50 a.m., at school at 7:00 a.m. to pick up the parts he 'forgot', raced back home where I 'helped' a bit (printed out a table of contents) while he frantically cut, pasted and decorated his way to a completed geometry project (worth 250 points!). He made it to school five minutes late, but thankfully his project won't be. Whew!

I couldn't stop lecturing the whole time, of course. Thankfully this is the last day of school before spring break. An entire week off to relax (?) and enjoy ourselves. What a way to kick it off! By the time I got home this morning, with glue and black sharpie on my hands, hair still uncombed and morning chores yet to be done, all I wanted to do was shrink enough to join the buddha in my cactus bowl outside. Doesn't that look peaceful?? Aaahhhh.... This is my idea of a plant, by the way; low maintenance, variety of color and pretty (the most important part of course!).

Here's to a peaceful and productive spring break.

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