Saturday, April 19, 2008


For awhile all my paintings were three or four put together. It's kind of amazing (in hindsight of course), how clearly that style represented the state of my life.

Over time it's evolving into one picture per canvas or paper. It hasn't been a conscious evolvution, just a reflection of the wholeness in my heart.

Mind is so powerful and heart so strong - they are often at odds with each other. The need my heart feels to express, touch and connect is sometimes smothered by the boxes my mind tries to (pointlessly) contain me in. My heart will not be defeated and slowly I'm learning to trust it to light the next step on the path, regardless of seemingly endless obstacles.

To share this journey has required a suspension of judgements; stopping the 'not good enough' thoughts, and that terrible derisive scorn aimed at expressions of me. Slowly I'm realizing my ego does not have to win every battle; that's not the foregone conclusion anymore. In that kind of light, the beauty of your heart and mine can blossom. Maybe what is offered is rough and jagged... sometimes painful and stumbling. Sometimes our hearts are so long unexpressed that its' song comes out clumsy, contrary, wrong! The point is that unless that risk is taken, we will never touch each other.


romulusv said...

"An apple should look like an apple!"

-angry rabid troll-

Molly said...

hee hee hee... love my bro!

Guadalupe said...

I know that feeling of life being fragmented/disjointed
and how paintings can give us clues/clarity to our place on our journey-

its' song comes out clumsy, contrary, wrong! The point is that unless that risk is taken, we will never touch each other.

So, true... so true...

:) Molly, you're making me like your brother even more!!