Thursday, April 24, 2008

Congratulations Couples!

Ode To Love

How fickle, love....
My love
As fickle as my heart loves itself
My beloved,
I look upon the mirror of you
and see projected, reflected,
My lover, my friend one moment
A cheap betrayer the next
The object of most poisonous
Rage and intolerance yet the next
They are all reflections of my own
fickle heart...

And when my heart has offered
Itself to the fire enough times,
When Truth becomes the mantra,
The being, the beating, the breath
I see you as you are
And I love you again

Well, another wonderful Soltura workshop has been completed ( by some courageous couples! Congratulations to all of you. I hope the experience was one of connection and growth that welcomes you to the next adventure in your lives together.


Guadalupe said...

when my heart has offered itself to the fire...
this is so hard to do, to let go, to trust that the fire will burn only what needs to be cleared away... to allow ourselves to be changed/transformed by the flames... so difficult, so necessary

romulusv said...

"Love is but a dung-heap upon which I am a cock that crows."

-Tim Roth-
Movie: Rob Roy

This painting is very striking. Like a man hitting a baseball and you hear the loud "crack". Sports though, are but a limp tail on the end of your dogmatic paintings. Ahhh now that is poetry!

Molly said...

'dogmatic'.... I'll forgive it. hee hee hee