Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Sickness

Every year I get sick after the whole 'flu-season' is over, and every year it happens just when I really believe I've gotten off free and get cocky about how healthy I am. Big sigh... through my mouth since my nose is to stuffy to breathe through. Blah.

It's almost over though, this illness. I'm babying myself along till I feel human again.

Wishing you health, happiness and whole-hearted heartiness! (creativity is running low - maybe I'm blowing it all out my nose... bluck.)


romulusv said...

I am a robust vine of grapes. The italian women try to smash me underfoot but cannot. Because of my robustness of health. There will be no wine from me this harvest season. You may buy my hard grapes in a 25 cent rubber ball machine because they bounce, due to the robustnessness of themselves.

Molly said...
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